Chrome Coin Conundrum
Game & Narrative Designer
Oliver Nickelthorn takes on cases related to cyber crime from piracy to scams.This time, they have been approached about a major bank system that has been robbed. The player quickly finds out that a criminal syndicate known as the Royals.
Writer, Designer & Artist
Chrome Coin Conundrum was the first game I fully designed. It shows how much I learned through out my journey of creating games. The game is not as focused at my most recent work but shows the core of what I strive for in my design, connection.
The most difficult part of the design was the scope. I created this for a school assignment and only had 8 weeks. Without teammates, I had all the control but none to involve in my process. It taught me how much I need others and the feedback they bring.
This is the minimum of quality I require of myself.